Pain pleasure / psychological domination / all terrain sub . Belgium
Thank you very much for the wonderful session. My head is clear now and I think for the first time in months I will be able to have a good nights sleep.
I really wish we met earlier or that I could stay longer in Barcelona. But when I find myself again near Barcelona I will certainly let you know.
You really are an amazing person. You made me feel very safe even though it was the first time we met, normally I never connect with someone that fast. And your eyes are breathtaking! During the session they were so strict and I was really scared to look into them. And after, when we said our goodbyes they were so charming and sparkling.
Thank you for a wonderful ending to my vacation. You did more for my mental health in 5 hours than my entire 60 day vacation.
From my heart, thank you, you are really amazing.
Role play / strapon / showers
“In preparation for O/our first meeting Mistress Selina took the time to gather information about my likes and dislikes, more impressively She also took the time to find a sub for O/our session based on my preferences. Her sub was drop dead gorgeous and had a wonderful attitude, we connected immediately.
The session started with a small introduction, within seconds Mistress Selina makes you feel comfortable and safe. What i found to be the most amazing thing about Her (and there were lots of amazing things that night) was Her ability to read me. She kept the tone of the session just right at all times. It felt as if W/we have had many sessions already, although this was O/our very first time together. The energy in the room was magic, a mixture of sweet tenderness and erotic filthiness.
i was lucky enough to get a few minutes after the session to get to know Her while waiting for my taxi. She is a beautiful person, the kind of person that makes you a bit more optimistic about life by knowing there are people like Her in the world. Next time i’m in Barcelona i will absolutely repeat.” – Sub J.
Extreme spanking, whipping, caning, flogging / teacher – student role play
“Meeting Miss Selina was a memorable experience. She was very friendly and made me feel welcomed right from the start. First discussion made me trust her and she charmed immediately with her beauty. Miss Selina is amazing, so incredibly beautiful, friendly, but strict; tall, strong, intelligent and adorable. During our time she performed the discussed role perfectly. She is so strong and strict, but she also made me feel I can trust her all the time. She has a very accurate and strong arm, commanding and dominating presence, such a beautiful and seductive look, an unforgettable experience.” – Finnish boy
Role play surreal / humiliación / primera vez
“Hola Selina,
Solo para agradecerte el encuentro del martes pasado.
Sorprendentemente me hiciste olvidar y superar todos los prejuicios y nervios con los que llegué a la sesión, y me exaltaste de una manera muy vívida.
Creo que en grandísima (sino total) medida es por ti, porque eres arrebatadoramente guapa, esbelta, refinada, comunicativa, inteligente, agradable y firme, todo a la vez.
Hasta tal punto que me hiciste olvidar que estaba en una performance de negación del placer psicológica, que me sentí realmente cachondo de estar humillado y sometido a una mujer, una experiencia que jamás habría pensado sentir tan intensamente.
Así que por eso, gracias! Gracias por hacerme un poco menos machista!
Besos.” – initiation session
Role play / psychological domination / humiliation / spanking
“On Sunday 3rd April I had a session with Mistress Selina Bellatrix and I have to say that it was simply wonderful. Mistress Selina is stunningly beautiful with fabulous eyes. However, the thought and effort she puts into the session to make it personal for you, is what really makes the experience quite magical. She asks the appropriate questions and prepares thoroughly and has a natural dominant, yet caring style to relax you and believe me, I was nervous at the start. The experience still makes me tingle with excitement. Mistress Selina puts everything into the session for you and I would thoroughly recommend her.
Thanks for a great time.” – Irish boy
Role play (Metgessa-pacient) / spanking / slave play
“Avui he anat a visitar Mistress Selina Bellatrix, i m’ha fet una sessió que trigaré bastant de temps en oblidar.
La sessió constava de dues parts:
Una era un rol de Metgessa-pacient, i l’altra era de Mistress-esclau. No sé quina de les dues parts m’agradat més, el que sí sé es que les dues hores que ha durat la sessió m’han passat volant, i ja estic contant els minuts per tornar-la a veure.
Mistress Selina fa que la sessió sigui d’alló més divertida, ja que té molta psicologia i una gran imaginació.
La relació qualitat-preu-temps és molt bona i recomanable.” – Noi català
Strapon / orgasmos prostáticos / juego de roles (multiples) / entrenamiento frecuente
“Sorpresa. No me lo esperaba. Soy preso de mi ama. Me vuelve loco la sensación de pertenecer y de dejarme llevar por lo que ella quiere. Me manda y me dice lo que hacer. Me posee y disfruto. Es placer en mayúsculas. Soy suyo. Sentirla dentro de mi. Me ata. Todo lo tiene bajo control. Me pellizca los pechos. Me estira el vello. Me hace gritar. Me hace sentir. Me penetra, suavemente primero. Y poco a poco va entrando más adentro de mi ano. Me estimula la próstata. Y me corro por el culo. Una, dos veces, tres…Tantas como ella quiere. A veces me premia. Otras me castiga. Sentir que ella decide mi destino.
Sentirme vivo, absolutamente rendido a sus deseos. ¿Cómo entender esta contradicción? Dolor, pasión, penetración, humillación, vida, sentir que no necesitas nada más. Que cada segundo que pasas sin estar bajo su control no vale la pena. Sueñas con ella. Duermes pensando en ella. Le pides permiso.” – Mistress’s boy Barcelona
Flogging, restraints, humiliation, torture, anal initiation, chastity
“Mistress Selina is obviously attractive, but she doesn’t fall back on her looks like the “pretty lady” you initally think she would be. Her intellect is evident and complements her slender Amazon physique perfectly. She judged me well for what kinks I was into by exchanging a few emails and reasurring this with a chat prior to our session. She brings a passion to her craft and is a true professional. I felt a lasting satisfaction after my wonderful escape from “reality” with her, which left me in a state where I found her in many of my fantasies, time and time again.
Definately, if you are curious about female domination, schedule a session with this fantastic human being! She is the only other person on this earth who has seen me wearing a CB-6000, and let me tell you, that says alot! I don’t live near her, but the next time I visit Southern Europe, I will schedule my plans with sessioning with her in mind! To all that visit this site, submit yourselves to this true Dominatrix!” – Steve
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